FEM solver for the Navier-Stokes-Boussinesq equations coupled with enthalpy-based phase change
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Classes | Functions
Phaseflow::Parameters Namespace Reference


struct  Meta
struct  PhysicalModel
struct  Geometry
struct  BoundaryConditions
struct  AdaptiveRefinement
struct  Refinement
struct  Time
struct  IterativeSolver
struct  Output
struct  Verification
struct  StructuredParameters


template<int dim>
void declare (ParameterHandler &prm)
Meta read_meta_parameters (const std::string parameter_file="")
template<int dim>
StructuredParameters read (const std::string parameter_file, Functions::ParsedFunction< dim > &source_function, Functions::ParsedFunction< dim > &initial_values_function, Functions::ParsedFunction< dim > &boundary_function, Functions::ParsedFunction< dim > &exact_solution_function)

Function Documentation

template<int dim>
void Phaseflow::Parameters::declare ( ParameterHandler &  prm)

It was originally attempted to make this parameter a list of lists, but Patterns::List does not appear to allow for that. So instead we have one string that we'll parse manually.

template<int dim>
StructuredParameters Phaseflow::Parameters::read ( const std::string  parameter_file,
Functions::ParsedFunction< dim > &  source_function,
Functions::ParsedFunction< dim > &  initial_values_function,
Functions::ParsedFunction< dim > &  boundary_function,
Functions::ParsedFunction< dim > &  exact_solution_function 
Meta Phaseflow::Parameters::read_meta_parameters ( const std::string  parameter_file = "")